
See Standings by Listings

Season* Division* Category* Competition* Group*
, Competition: $lecompetition, $ledivision, $lecategory"; ?>

"; if($sqlcn){ $sqlseriesresult = mysqli_query($sqlcn, $sqlseries); if(($sqlseriesresult == true)&&(mysqli_num_rows($sqlseriesresult) != 0)){ ?>
Season: Division: Group:
Competition: Category: Date:
''){ ?> 0){ $sqlteam = "SELECT DISTINCT a.homeid AS teamid FROM gameschedule a , gamesheet b WHERE a.divisionID = $ledivision AND a.categoryID = $lecategory AND a.groupID = $letier AND a.competitionID = $lecompetition AND a.seasonID = $leseason AND a.series = '$series' AND a.seasonID = b.seasonID AND a.gameID = b.gameID UNION SELECT DISTINCT a.visitorid AS teamid FROM gameschedule a , gamesheet b WHERE a.divisionID = $ledivision AND a.categoryID = $lecategory AND a.groupID = $letier AND a.competitionID = $lecompetition AND a.seasonID = $leseason AND a.series = '$series' AND a.seasonID = b.seasonID AND a.gameID = b.gameID;"; } else if (($letier < 0)&&($lecompetition == 26)){ $sqlteam = "SELECT DISTINCT a.homeid AS teamid FROM gameschedule a , gamesheet b WHERE a.divisionID = $ledivision AND a.categoryID = $lecategory AND a.competitionID = $lecompetition AND a.seasonID = $leseason AND a.series = '$series' AND a.seasonID = b.seasonID AND a.gameID = b.gameID UNION SELECT DISTINCT a.visitorid AS teamid FROM gameschedule a , gamesheet b WHERE a.divisionID = $ledivision AND a.categoryID = $lecategory AND a.competitionID = $lecompetition AND a.seasonID = $leseason AND a.series = '$series' AND a.seasonID = b.seasonID AND a.gameID = b.gameID;"; } //print "$sqlteam
"; if($sqlcn){ $sqlteams = mysqli_query($sqlcn, $sqlteam); if(($sqlteams == true)&&(mysqli_num_rows($sqlteams) != 0)){ $leid = -1; $xarray = 0; while($sqlrow = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlteams)){ $leid = $sqlrow[teamid]; ?> "; $myrecord[$xarray]["T2"] = intval($homewlts[0] + $visitorwlts[0]);//win $totalT2 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T2"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T3"] = intval($homewlts[1] + $visitorwlts[1]);//lose $totalT3 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T3"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T4"] = intval($homewlts[2] + $visitorwlts[2]);//tie $totalT4 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T4"]; $sptPoints = verifiedSportmanship($leid, $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series); $myrecord[$xarray]["T5"] = $sptPoints; $totalT5 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T5"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T6"] = (2 * intval($homewlts[0] + $visitorwlts[0])) + (1 * intval($homewlts[2] + $visitorwlts[2])) + intval($sptPoints); $totalT6 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T6"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T7"] = verifiedGoalsFor($leid, $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series); $totalT7 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T7"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T8"] = verifiedGoalsAgainst($leid, $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series); $totalT8 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T8"]; $teamErrors = intval(verifiedTeamTotalPenalty($leid, $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series)); $myrecord[$xarray]["T9"] = $teamErrors; $totalT9 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T9"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T10"] = number_format(($gamesPlayed <= 0)?0:($teamErrors/$gamesPlayed), 2); $totalT10 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T10"]; $teampen = preg_split("/,/", verifiedTeamPenaltySum($leid, $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series)); $myrecord[$xarray]["T11"] = intval($teampen[0]); $totalT11 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T11"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T12"] = intval($teampen[1]); $totalT12 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T12"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T13"] = intval($teampen[2]); $totalT13 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T13"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T14"] = intval($teampen[3]); $totalT14 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T14"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T15"] = intval($teampen[4]); $totalT15 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T15"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T16"] = intval($teampen[5]); $totalT16 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T16"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T17"] = intval($teampen[6]); $totalT17 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T17"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T18"] = intval($teampen[7]); $totalT18 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T18"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T19"] = intval($teampen[8]); $totalT19 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T19"]; $myrecord[$xarray]["T20"] = intval($teampen[9]); $totalT20 += $myrecord[$xarray]["T20"]; //Ranking = 0 $myrecord[$xarray]["T21"] = 0; $xarray ++; }//end the loop //STORE IN ARRAYS OF COLUMNS foreach($myrecord as $key => $row){ $TID[$key] = intval($row['T00']); $TName[$key] = $row['T0']; //print $TID[$key]."
"; $T1[$key] = $row['T1']; $T2[$key] = $row['T2']; $T3[$key] = $row['T3']; $T4[$key] = $row['T4']; $T5[$key] = $row['T5']; $T6[$key] = $row['T6']; $T7[$key] = $row['T7']; $T8[$key] = $row['T8']; $T9[$key] = $row['T9']; $T10[$key] = $row['T10']; $T11[$key] = $row['T11']; $T12[$key] = $row['T12']; $T13[$key] = $row['T13']; $T14[$key] = $row['T14']; $T15[$key] = $row['T15']; $T16[$key] = $row['T16']; $T17[$key] = $row['T17']; $T18[$key] = $row['T18']; $T19[$key] = $row['T19']; $T20[$key] = $row['T20']; $T21[$key] = $row['T21']; }//end loop //PERFORM MULTISORT // added the GF and GA sort criteria to help with the tied team scenarios which is dealt with later on array_multisort($T6, SORT_DESC, $T2, SORT_DESC, $T3, SORT_ASC, $T7, SORT_DESC, $T8, SORT_ASC, $myrecord); //DISPLAY //Determine Ties & Ranks $z = 0; $tiedteam = false; //Assign Ranking for($z = 0; $z < count($myrecord); $z++){ $myrecord[$z]["T21"] = $z + 1; //print "Ranking for ".$myrecord[$z]["T0"]." is ".$myrecord[$z]["T21"]."
"; }// $tieteam[0] = -1; $tieteam[1] = -1; $tierank[0] = -1; $tierank[1] = -1; //Check for Tie Scores for($z = 0; $z < count($myrecord); $z++){ if($z == 0){ $tieteam[0] = $myrecord[$z]["T00"]; $tierank[0] = $myrecord[$z]["T21"]; } else { if((intval($myrecord[$z]["T6"]) == intval($myrecord[$z-1]["T6"]))&&(intval($myrecord[$z]["T2"]) == intval($myrecord[$z-1]["T2"]))&&(intval($myrecord[$z]["T3"]) == intval($myrecord[$z-1]["T3"]))){ $tiedteam = true; $tieteam[1] = $myrecord[$z]["T00"]; $tierank[1] = $myrecord[$z]["T21"]; $tiescore[0] = verifiedHomeScoreTie(intval($myrecord[$z - 1]["T00"]), $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series, intval($myrecord[$z]["T00"])) + verifiedVisitorScoreTie(intval($myrecord[$z - 1]["T00"]), $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series, intval($myrecord[$z]["T00"])); //print "Tie Team A is ".$tieteam[0]." Tie Score A is ".$tiescore[0]." Tie Rank A is ".$tierank[0]."
"; $tiescore[1] = verifiedHomeScoreTie(intval($myrecord[$z]["T00"]), $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series, intval($myrecord[$z - 1]["T00"])) + verifiedVisitorScoreTie(intval($myrecord[$z]["T00"]), $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series, intval($myrecord[$z - 1]["T00"]));; //print "Tie Team B is ".$tieteam[1]." Tie Score B is ".$tiescore[1]." Tie Rank B is ".$tierank[1]."
"; if($tiescore[0] > $tiescore[1]){ $myrecord[$z - 1]["T21"] = $tierank[0]; $myrecord[$z]["T21"] = $tierank[1]; //print "No Switch
"; //print "Ranking for ".$myrecord[$z-1]["T0"]." is ".$myrecord[$z-1]["T21"]."
"; //print "Ranking for ".$myrecord[$z]["T0"]." is ".$myrecord[$z]["T21"]."
"; } else if ($tiescore[0] < $tiescore[1]){ $myrecord[$z - 1]["T21"] = $tierank[1]; $myrecord[$z]["T21"] = $tierank[0]; //print "Switch
"; //print "Ranking for ".$myrecord[$z-1]["T0"]." is ".$myrecord[$z-1]["T21"]."
"; //print "Ranking for ".$myrecord[$z]["T0"]." is ".$myrecord[$z]["T21"]."
"; }//end if $tieteam[0] = $myrecord[$z]["T00"]; $tierank[0] = $myrecord[$z]["T21"]; } else { $tieteam[0] = $myrecord[$z]["T00"]; $tierank[0] = $myrecord[$z]["T21"]; }//end if }//end if }//end loop if($tiedteam == true){ //STORE IN ARRAYS OF COLUMNS foreach($myrecord as $key => $row){ $TID[$key] = intval($row['T00']); $TName[$key] = $row['T0']; //print $TID[$key]."
"; $T1[$key] = $row['T1']; $T2[$key] = $row['T2']; $T3[$key] = $row['T3']; $T4[$key] = $row['T4']; $T5[$key] = $row['T5']; $T6[$key] = $row['T6']; $T7[$key] = $row['T7']; $T8[$key] = $row['T8']; $T9[$key] = $row['T9']; $T10[$key] = $row['T10']; $T11[$key] = $row['T11']; $T12[$key] = $row['T12']; $T13[$key] = $row['T13']; $T14[$key] = $row['T14']; $T15[$key] = $row['T15']; $T16[$key] = $row['T16']; $T17[$key] = $row['T17']; $T18[$key] = $row['T18']; $T19[$key] = $row['T19']; $T20[$key] = $row['T20']; $T21[$key] = $row['T21']; }//end loop //PERFORM MULTISORT array_multisort($T6, SORT_DESC, $T2, SORT_DESC, $T3, SORT_ASC, $T21, SORT_ASC, $myrecord); }//Resort due to Tie for($xxyy = 0; $xxyy < count($myrecord); $xxyy ++){ $unverifiedGames = ((hasUnverifiedGamesST($myrecord[$xxyy]['T00'], $leseason, $ledivision, $lecategory, $lecompetition, $letier, $series)== true)?'style="background-color: #DCB6B8"':''); ?>
  Team Name GP W L T SPt Pts GF GA PIM AVG Minor (2:00) Major (15:00) Fight (15:00) CFB (12:00) CFB (15:00) Misc (10:00) Game (10:00) Gross (10:00) Match (5:00)
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >

- Teams Shaded In Pink Have One Or More Unverified Games Included In The Standings.
- Only Teams with Games Entered/Played Will Appear In List
- Click on Team Name to display Team Record

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